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Lessons and Forecasts from New Zealand Agri-tech Exporters

Thu, 15 Oct, 2015 5:00 PM — 7:00 PM
Livestock Improvement Corporation (LIC), 605 Ruakura Rd, Newstead, Hamilton

Hosted by LIC, and organised by LANZBC Secretary Heather Kawan and NZTE's Paul Vaughan, the event exemplified the LANZBC's moves to grow its reach throughout New Zealand, especially in regions like the Waikato that are home to successful traders with Latin America.

After welcoming remarks from LANZBC President O'Meagher, attendees heard firsthand accounts of how to do business in Latin America from three leaders of their companies' engagement with Latin America. Stephen Hoffman of Gallagher Group underlined the time companies need to invest there for their businesses to grow, and noted how people on the ground were key.  Julian Ramirez of Shoof Chile talked about how Shoof International was using Chile as a base to reach neighbouring countries, and LIC's David Sellars reviewed his company's experiences throughout Latin America and the importance of having a scientifically sound point of difference in market.
The three presenters then responded to questions on distribution models, repatriating profits from some countries, and New Zealand's profile in Latin America, before all present gathered for an hour of rich conversation over refreshments. 
Having had such a success with this introductory Waikato event, the LANZBC will look to repeat it in other regions, and is now liaising with attendees on how to follow it with a more focussed seminar next year.

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