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The New Argentina

Tue, 24 May, 2016 5:00 PM
Education New Zealand, Level 5, Lambton House, 160 Lambton Quay, Wellington

On Tuesday 24 May Education New Zealand's boardroom in Wellington filled to overflowing to hear Gustavo Richardson, the head of the New Zealand bilateral chapter for the Argentine Chamber of Commerce for Asia and the Pacific, talk about the new promise and direction of his country under its new President.

Gustavo's detailed talk focused on five main themes: the political and economic context in Argentina today; Argentina's potential; opportunities for New Zealand there; opportunities for both countries in Asia; and the logic of working together. While admitting that Argentina now had to pay for the 'party' it had had under the previous administration, and that the next twelve months could be painful, there were already promising signs for President Macri's wish for Argentina to be 'normal' again, notably the level of support he was enjoying despite his painful reforms, the signals he had sent to a 'gleeful' agricultural sector, the support he was receiving from other governments, and the fulsome response from the international financial community to Argentina's first bond issue since 2001. For New Zealand, he argued, the new context presents an opportunity to collaborate in ten specific sectors that LANZBC members will soon be able to read about on our website.

Over the next months the LANZBC will talking with the ACCAP about how we can develop bilateral business ties together, factoring in the new context but also New Zealand firms' need to assess how it develops. Immediately, however, three fruits from this event were clear. Firstly, there is a willing audience for more LANZBC activities in Wellington -- we made connections on the night to a number of attendees who were engaging with us for the first time (ever or for many years). Secondly, Argentina's new Ambassador to New Zealand, His Excellency Fausto Lopez Crozet, conveyed in the introductory remarks he kindly offered, his government's view that Latin America is not split between the Pacific and Atlantic as commentators argue. Thirdly, Gustavo's passion and arguments saw him invited to repeat his presentation two days later at Export New Zealand's major 'Go Global' conference in Auckland, and thus disseminate his message to a wider audience who may not have considered Latin America before.

We thank Gustavo for his visit to us and look forward to engaging further.

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The New Argentina presentation
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The New Argentina: Open for business - presentation by Gustavo Richardson to LANZBC members and guests on 24 May 2016.

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