
Free trade opportunities with Mexico ever closer

The Doing Business in Mexico breakfast seminars were a collaboration between the Mexican Embassy, ProMexico, LANZBC, Latin America CAPE, NZTE, and Export New Zealand, and featured presentations from Fisher and Paykel Healthcare (Wellington) and Seequent, a global leader in the visualisation of data (Christchurch).

Following an introduction from the Ambassador, Esau Garza provided a very strong proposition for businesses to become involved in trade with, and to invest in Mexico. He highlighted the ease of setting up a business in Mexico, the competitive costs of production and tight IP protection.

At the Wellington event, Rachel Reynolds, Senior Communications Manager for Fisher & Paykel Healthcare presented a strong case study of their organisation’s expansion into Tijuana, Mexico. Contributions were also made by Matthew O’Meagher of the Latin America CAPE and Brendan Mahar of NZTE. LANZBC Director Juan-Luis Toledo presented a brief summary of the Pacific Alliance dairy pilot which was developed in Chile in 2017 and funded by MPI.

The Christchurch event, held at the offices of Seequent, featured input from Shirley van Waveren (Business and International Trade Advisor from CECC), Matthew O’Meagher (LatAm CAPE), Paul Burke (Customer Manager NZTE), Nick Forgarty (GM - Mining and Minerals, Seequent), Jeremy O’Brien (GM - Geothermal Energy, Seequent) and summing up from James Dixon (Farm To Farm Tours Ltd and a director of LANZBC).

At both events there was valuable information provided, and excellent opportunities for face to face discussion with those having great knowledge of the Mexican economic and business environments.

This entry was posted on 30 Oct 2018


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