
Joyce announces $34.5m for Centres for Asia-Pacific Excellence

Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment Minister Steven Joyce has announced $34.5 million in funding to develop new Centres of Asia-Pacific Excellence (CAPEs) in New Zealand universities.

CAPEs will be cross-institutional centres of excellence in the language, culture, politics and economics of countries or groups of countries within the Asia-Pacific region. As well as teaching about and researching these countries, they will be mandated to help all learners, exporters, and government agencies improve their understanding of the countries and their languages.

Significantly, Latin America has a central place in this new initiative. As the Minister noted, “We initially intend to set up three CAPEs headquartered in universities around the country specialising in countries or groups of countries in North Asia, South East Asia and Latin America. Each CAPE will develop strong linkages with its region of specialty, facilitate student and faculty exchanges, and become a focal point for New Zealand’s relationship with that part of the world.”

The full announcement from the Beehive can be downloaded here.

This entry was posted on 27 Jun 2016


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