LANZBC Board Nomination Period opening soon
The Board would like to advise members that the Board Nomination Period, in which nominations can be made for the 2019 Board, will open in late March and run until early April.
Following the adoption of the new Constitution in 2018, one-third of the Board's elected directors will resign and (if willing) put themselves forward for re-election at the Annual General Meeting. This means that this year there is expected to be two Directorships up for election. Directorship tenure is three years.
Applicants must be paying members of the LANZBC and should have broad business skills, sound business experience in/with Latin America, and the desire and time to promote the LANZBC and encourage trade between New Zealand and Latin America. Further information on the LANZBC Board, skills and competencies sought from directors and expected time commitments can be found below.
Nominees will need to complete the Board Nomination Form (complete with signatures of a proposer and seconder, both of whom must be financial members of the Council or associated with an organisation that is) and submit a biography of no more than 200 words with an accompanying photograph, and return it to Heather Kawan ( Members will be notified of the opening of the Board Nomination Period by direct email.
For more information, please contact Heather Kawan by email or by telephone: 0226 308 533.
pdf 339 KB Board Nomination Form 2019-2021
pdf 631 KB LANZBC Director - job description
This entry was posted on 1 Mar 2019