

Ecuador: Outcomes and Challenges of the Citizens' Revolution

Mon, 11 May, 2015 5:45 PM — 8:30 PM
Lecture Theatre 119, Hunter Building, Victoria University, Kelburn Parade, Wellington.

Ecuadorian Vice-Minister Leonardo Arízaga delivered a lecture on 'Ecuador: Outcomes and Challenges of the Citizens' Revolution'. He presented the historic transformations that Ecuador is undergoing and explained how major evolutions are being pursued in the face of ongoing challenges for the country.

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Latin American Policies

Tue, 10 Mar, 2015 5:30 PM — 6:30 PM
Wellesley Boutique Hotel, Maginnity Street, Wellington

The LANZBC's events programme for 2015 got off to a great start when spokespeople from New Zealand's largest political parties presented their parties' policies on Latin America to our members in Wellington on 10 March. The event, which was co-sponsored by the Wellington Employers' Chamber of Commerce, attracted almost 30 attendees, including the Ambassadors of Argentina, Brazil and Chile, the Consul-General of Colombia, and diplomats from Cuba, Spain, Germany and the United States.


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LANZBC and MFAT working lunch with His Excellency Alexander Mora, Costa Rican Minister of Foreign Trade

Wed, 25 Feb, 2015 12:00 PM — 2:00 PM
Shed 5, Wellington

In a presentation for MFAT officials and Latin American New Zealand Business Council directors at Wellington’s Shed 5 on 25 February 2015 Minister Alexander Mora outlined Costa Rica’s relationships with its immediate neighbours and the international community, its commitment to free trade and the opportunities in Costa Rica for New Zealand exporters especially in the IT, Agritech and Services sectors.

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Grow Your Business In South America

Wed, 10 Sep, 2014 4:00 PM — 7:00 PM
Copthorne Hotel Commodore, 449 Memorial Avenue, Christchurch

Opportunities for Canterbury in Chile and Colombia

The Latin America New Zealand Business Council is keen to help businesses throughout New Zealand engage with Latin America. As the first of several regional activities we have planned, the Council invites Canterbury businesses to a seminar on business opportunities waiting for you in two of South America's most dynamic Pacific economies, Chile and Colombia.

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Trade Commissioners event

Mon, 5 May, 2014
NZTE, Level 6, 139 Quay Street, Auckland

This highly awaited event held on 5 May was attended by 33 LANZBC members, who enjoyed the Trade Commissioners’ presentation in an informal atmosphere where they heard the opportunities some countries offer to New Zealanders as well as practical orientations on how to do business there. Karlene Davis, Regional Director for South America as well the four Trade Commissioners for the region Rhianon Berry, Trade Commissioner for Chile, Colombia and Peru, Jorge Arguelles, Trade Commissioner for Mexico and Central America and Ralph Hays, Trade Commissioner for Brazil all presented eye opening information about every market of Latin America.

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Focus Latin America

Wed, 2 Apr, 2014 12:00 PM — 2:00 PM
West Foyer, Executive Wing (Beehive) Parliament Buildings, Wellington

LANZBC teamed with the New Zealand Institute of International Affairs and Victoria University to stage a “Focus Latin America” Seminar to look at New Zealand’s relationship with Latin America and to suggest the creation of a Latin America New Zealand Foundation to improve New Zealanders’ knowledge of Latin America and to encourage business, social, cultural and educational interactions between the parties.

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